sexta-feira, 10 de dezembro de 2010


Madame Tussaud's is Britain's N.º 1 tourist attraction, with over 2,5 million visitors each year

Madame Tussaud was born in Strausbourg, France, in 1761. Her name was Marie Grosholz. She learnt wax-modelling at an early age and in 1780 became art teacher to the sister of King Louis XVI.

In 1795 she married François Tussaud, an engineer, but she left him in 1802 and moved to Britain, where she traveled all over the country with her exhibition of wax models. In 1835 she housed the exhibition permanently in London. She died in 1850, and the exhibition moved to its present home im Marylebone Road in 1884.

Over the years hundred of famous people have been to the private studios at Madame Tussaud's to sit for the sculptor. First the sculptor measures and photographs the head and body. Then the experts get to work – making a plaster 'negative', making eyes and hair and providing suitable clothes and shoes. Stars often provide their own clothes. For example, the opera singer Luciano Pavarotti sent a complete set of hits own evening clothes.

Many stars go to the studio more than once, because it's important that the models are up to date. Margareth Thatcher, for instance, has been to see the sculptor three times since her first visit in 1975.

(HILTON, Michael e SELIGSON, Paul Mosaic,Book 3, Nelson, 1993, p. 28)

  1. Scan o texto e complete as sentenças

a) Madame Tussaud nasceu em ____________________ no ano de ___________ e morreu em ________________.

b) Foi professora de Artes da __________________________________.

c) Casou-se com ________________________ em ______________________ e separou – se em ______________________.

d) _____________________ foi o local escolhido para a exibição permanente do seu trabalho.

e) Dentre as pessoas famosas que posaram para Madame Tussaud's destacam – se: ________________________________ e ____________________________.

  1. Retorne ao texto e responda:

a) Quantas pessoas visitam Madame Tussaud's anualmente?


b) Onde está localizado Madame Tussaud's?


c) Quais os primeiros procedimentos tomados pelo escultor antes de iniciar a sua obra?


d) Quem fornecia as roupas das esculturas?


e) Por que muitas das pessoas famosas iam ao estúdio mais uma vez?


  1. Relacione as colunas:



1. PERHAPS up to date

2. MANY downtown

3. CLOSE additional

4. CENTRE located

5. SITUATED a lot of

6. MODERN near

7. FURTHER maybe

1. PRIVATE newest


3. DEEP last

4. OLDEST poor

5. BEAUTIFUL public

6. RICH colourless

7. FIRST shallow

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